Annodisation de ouf!!!

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Annodisation de ouf!!!

Messagede lpikachu58 » Dim 24 Jan 2010 21:01

Bon pour ceux qui vont pas sur WW regardez ce que fait ce mec :

ephedyn a écrit:Firstly, I'm not paid by F&N Coca Cola. In fact, I don't drink coke. Secondly, if you were misled by this topic, this is actually a tutorial on DIY anodizing for $6. The full story is at my website (, but I decided to put a summary here anyway.

I was changing the bolts on my AX seatpost to aluminium, so I decided to experiment with the original bolts, since I knew they were made of titanium. I only used 6 items to set up the anodizing apparatus:

(left to right) Takeaway fishball noodle soup, alligator clips, wire

(left to right) Power supply (can use batteries instead), aluminium foil, regular coke

You need to minimize contact between the clip and the bolt, so this was how I did it.

Here you can see the setup, more or less. The +ve wire goes to the bolt, and the -ve wire goes to the aluminium foil. I did it wrongly in this picture so the coke just fizzled around the bolt without anything happening. But if set up correctly, the bolt changes to a nice color after about 1 minute dipped inside the coke. The bolt and the foil mustn't touch, but aluminium foil floats very easily, so it's best to make a small square section of the foil and tape it to the side of the container. I applied 24V which gives it a blue coloration. Other possible colors (that's why there's no anodized black titanium):


Compare the anodized bolt with an original:
Higher resolution:

Oh, and it's the same if you use coke light... no difference here for weightweenies. The reason why this works is because of the high phosphoric acid content in coke. The difference between diet versions of coke and regular coke is that they use a protein sweetener, or less sugar, instead. So, enjoy your fishball noodles and coke :beerchug: as you anodize your parts!
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Re: Annodisation de ouf!!!

Messagede Gentilpetit » Dim 24 Jan 2010 21:38

Il y avait déjà un sujet ouvert sur l'anodisation ;)
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Re: Annodisation de ouf!!!

Messagede mecacote » Lun 25 Jan 2010 07:44

Gentilpetit a écrit:Il y avait déjà un sujet ouvert sur l'anodisation ;)

Super mais a ne pas faire car lorsqu'on fait ce type de traitement il faut aussi penser à la nature et assurer le tratement des eaux usées!

Les sociétés specialisées dans le tratement de surface existe et assurent ce genre de travail en respectant la nature .

Ne dites pas que je suis chiant mais c'est juste un constat ..
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Re: Annodisation de ouf!!!

Messagede hidalgo » Lun 25 Jan 2010 08:06

lpikachu58 a écrit:Other possible colors (that's why there's no anodized black titanium):

il se plante ça existe titane anodisé noir .
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Re: Annodisation de ouf!!!

Messagede Amadeus » Lun 25 Jan 2010 14:29

Tu as raison regarde le lien... jai acheté une quinzaine de vis noir et zero problème sur le tenu de l'anodisation...
Certaine chose doivent être faite par des professionels
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Re: Annodisation de ouf!!!

Messagede pat xaran » Lun 25 Jan 2010 17:47

En noir je ne pense pas que ce soit de l'anodisation, plustôt un bain dans de l'acide chromique au moins dans le passé, aujourd'hui ce genre d'acide n'est plus dans l'industrie, là on est plus dans la même cours pour les manips "amateurs", vue la toxicité ce ces produits, c'est pas du coca cola.
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